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sv: Defender Ice & Fire Specialmodel ! (29-08-2009 20:33:56)
Morten Dam #6034, reg. nvsj
Til hans velbårenhed en simpel maskinoversættelse af det franske tungemål til et lidt forstyrret anglosaksisk kvad
og med venlig hilsen fra


Afflicted to have a little delay for this information, but force is to recognize that the topicality of the Tata group lately turned more around Nano and of the new XJ that of Land Rover, although the mark announced launching for 2011 of the LRX.
Land Rover thus puts on sale a special series, Defender Ice or Fire (according to the selected colour external), which will include/understand some 850 vehicles for the whole world of which a hundred for France.
Whether they are red or white, Defender Ice & Fire are characterized outside by a contrast between one of the two colours of body (white or red) and the black santorin which recovers the cap, the grill, the house, avoids them shocks and the expanders of wings.
Outside, Defender avoids rims aluminum 5 branches set with diamonds, fires AR in Leds and of a new aspect of the front headlights. The interior benefits from this series limited to become almost luxurious and cossu. Thus by opening the door one discovers in front of superb sigès Recaro covered with leather and of gray mouse with logo “Land Rover will alcantara” embroidered on the top of the seat and one discovers the clim…
To make smart and dynamic, the central console adopts the same colour as the body i.e. red or white and égaye a little the dark commonly gray cockpit and black of Land Rover.
On board one will discover also carpets with a passpoil and contrasted surpiqures and especially an unquestionable effort for perceived quality and the completion of the interior plastics.
Too much signal, too smart Defender.
For the amateurs, will know that Defender “Ice” is available only with the long frame 110 whereas the “Fire” is only proposed with the short frame or 90. In addition Land Rover has developed range of new accessories re-examined and corrected for these vehicles and one will be able to acquire in accessoirie intake air elevated (quite useful if one moves in wetland), one protects casing AV or aluminium AR striated, a beautiful black gallery of roof matched with the colour of the house, beautiful long flaps for the trackers or the broussards and some other products which equips usually one with the true last 4×4 (and not SUV) of the market.
Por recall, Defender it is a permanent truth 4×4, a frame “scale”, two bridges rigid, an aluminium case very, an engine 2.4L TDCI of 122 horses, a BV6, Vmax of 130 km/h and alas from strong emissions of CO2 (266 or 291 g/km) which penalizes it 2600€ with the purchase and especially it is a puncture-proof vehicle, passes everywhere and which will still roll in 30 or 40 years…
A 4× 4, pas a SUV, a vehicle planned for all, all (up to 7 places out of the 110), everywhere and which is one of the last with Land Cruiser from Toyota, G of Mercedes or Pajero de Mitsubishi with being able to go as well in bush as in reception the evening, even not washed!
On the other hand, if you to like the motorway, speed, great comfort and the hifi with 10 HP and a numerical amplifier, it is not the vehicle which it is necessary. But with final, it is a machine which I like much in particular for his with dimensions timeless and robust.
The prices of these models lie between 31.800€ and 33.250€ and the deliveries start during this summer.
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